
TexShare Card Information

The TexShare Card Program is a library program that encourages the sharing of resources between Texas libraries to offer a broader range of services to the library customer. It is a program administered by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Check to see if a nearby Texas library participates in TexShare programs. For more information, please visit

A maximum of five (5) items may be checked out by TexShare borrower. One (1) renewal is allowed per item; renewals may be made in person or by phone. Overdue materials cannot be renewed.

TexShare borrowers are responsible for any materials checked out with their card; cards should not be loaned to others. Lost or stolen cards should be reported to the Ozuna Library circulation desk immediately at 210-486-3555.

Palo Alto College Students, Faculty, and Staff

TexShare is meant to provide direct, personal access to materials that are not available at the Palo Alto College library. The program allows registered users of participating TexShare libraries to use the card to borrow materials at other participating libraries. Patrons must be in “good standing” with the Alamo Colleges District  libraries in order to participate in the TexShare program. Issued cards will expire two weeks before the end of the current semester.

Responsibilities of Borrowers:
  • Present TexShare Card to staff if requested.
  • Present appropriate identification.
  • Observe the regulations of the lending library.
  • Return materials to the lending library.
  • Materials cannot be returned to the Palo Alto College library.
  • Fines or any other charges assessed by the lending library must be paid to the lending library.

Register today!

Visiting Patrons

The TexShare Card is issued to the borrower by the home institution or public library. By signing the card and registration form, patrons agree to comply with Palo Alto College’s lending policies.

Responsibilities of Borrowers
  • Present TexShare card along with appropriate identification.
  • Fill out Ozuna Library registration form.
  • Observe the regulations of the Ozuna Library.
  • Return materials to the Ozuna Library.
  • Pay fines or any other charges for late or lost/damaged materials.

Contact Information:

Ozuna Library and Learning Center

Circulation Desk: 210-486-3555
Reference Desk: 210-486-3557
Administration: 210-486-3901

Email a question: 

Hours of Operation:

Spring Semester

Mon-Thu: 8 am - 7 pm

Fri: 9 am - 1 pm

Sun: 1 pm - 5 pm


Mon: 8 am - 5 pm

Tue: 8 am - 3:30 pm

Wed: 8 am - 5 pm

Thu: 8 am - 12 pm

E-resources available 24/7

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